Spiritual Prompt, Reality Encoder, Personal Oracle. The
meanings are as diverse as YOU!
As the quest to resolve the mystery of the 11:11 phenomenon
continues, so do the interpretations.
Why are many seeing this number so frequently but many others are not? Why does this master number seem to attach
itself to a range of synchronistic experiences?
Is there one universal meaning or many, depending on who is experiencing
this phenomenon?
I checked in with some of my fellow colleagues –
extraordinary researchers in the areas of metaphysics and consciousness to get
their weigh in on what this ever-present number may signify.
Brandon is an Integrative Intuitive Counselor &
Intuition Teacher and says that she has been getting clients curious about the
11:11 phenomenon since the 90’s. “11:11
and variations thereof may be a subtle, unconscious reminder of things that are
coming and to attend, pay attention, and prepare in some way, while being on
one’s spiritual path.” She goes on to
say, “In general, I feel that it’s a message from the Universe to pay attention
– whether to be on the lookout for an upcoming event, to listen for messages,
or to strengthen one’s spiritual connection. Sometimes it may be a
confirmation of one’s spirituality or spiritual orientation or that one is on
the right path – or a confirmation that these are momentous times spiritually
and to pay attention to events for spiritual import.
me, the beauty of the messages behind the phenomena being individual messages
underscores the need to pay attention to one’s inner voice and how one is
guided, as opposed to looking for a one-size-fits-all meaning.”
Diane so clearly articulates, 11:11 may just be a spiritual wake-up call of
sorts. We have definitely heard
different variations of the spiritual significance of this master number in the
past, but then the question arises, if we are all spiritual (at our core), then
why are some recognizing this number as an integral quotient in their lives and
not others?
what she had to say from this perspective: “Perhaps back in the 90’s some of
this phenomenon had to do with confirming to people that they were on a good
spiritual path or had a role to play. With the increase in occurrence in
the past few years, my sense is that it has to do with these times. I
started to feel a couple of years ago that it was even more important for
people who would be facilitators to get on the path. It feels as if this
is a time of clearing, opening of awareness even more, and some sort of
preparation for shifts and changes that may be in the offing. Some people
were saying back in the early 90’s that in the future everyone (meaning
spiritual facilitators) would be needed. There seems to be a consensus
among some people that we’re on the cusp of that time.”
idea that some – maybe even millions have been called to be spiritual
facilitators on this planet is intriguing.
It seems evident that we are indeed on the precipice of a global, or even
universal paradigm shift. Perhaps these
spiritual catalysts, though previously unaware of their purpose in life and
during these times have been given the signal to come into conscious awareness
of that purpose through the 11:11
the course of my research on the subject of 11:11, I’ve surveyed a variety of
individuals about their own 11 experiences, and then measured this against some
of their individual characteristics.
Clearly those who’ve acknowledged the 11 phenomenon in their own lives
fell into *several different personality categories:
- Tend to be spiritually inclined (not necessarily
- Have a pre-disposition or sensitivity to psychic
(psi) phenomena in their lives.
- Fall into a “youth” (12-18) category, both male
and female; could be described as crystal,
indigo, or “new” children.
that this does not preclude those witnessing 11:11 who do not fall into any of
the aforementioned categories).
latter category is an intriguing subject on its own – the idea of new humans
coming to this planet, often able to demonstrate feats of intellectual, psychic
and even physical prowess well beyond their years or that of their adult
counterparts. The idea that some, if not
many of these “new children,” a term I prefer to use, are also aligned with the
11:11 phenomenon may give us a clue as to the evolutionary significance of this
those youth that I’ve surveyed who see 11:11 (or variations of 11 like 1:11,
5:11, 9:11 and so on), seem to have a level of ease or a natural affinity to
its presence whereby they are not necessarily questioning the frequency of the
number, but rather accept it as a natural phenomenon or even a sort of celestial
language. On the other hand, some of the
older individuals (including myself) who synchronistically began seeing the
number in their later years have found themselves a bit more perplexed as to
the how and why these numbers are appearing, although many sense that the
presence of 11 carries some aspect of spiritual or psychic import.
Does 1111 lie beneath “The Matrix?”

the original Matrix movie, it is suggested that reality experienced physically
is but a construct and that everything that is lived out within the matrix (or
physical 3D reality) is actually a code comprised of numbers arranged in a
particular sequence. Although couched
within a “fictional” framework, the suggestion from this film is that our
brains are sophisticated decoders, able to take complex strings of numbers and
decode them into the experience of five sense reality. Interestingly when we look at binary code, a
numbers system composed of 0’s and 1’s that are used to form images, words, and other
strings of information, you will notice a strong representation of 11 in
various forms: 11,111,1111 with 0’s separating out these sequences. Even more curious is a recent finding by
Professor Randall
O'Reilly of the University of Colorado at Boulder who made a discovery that
could bring mind-blowing significance
to the 11:11 code. Based on his research,
he found very unusual correlations between the binary code of a computer and
how our brains function. According to
his findings, he now contends that the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia part
of the brain operate much like a digital computer system, which is based on
this binary system.
researchers who create these models shun the computer metaphor," O'Reilly
said. "My work comes out of a tradition that says people's brains are
nothing like computers, and now all of a sudden as we look at them, in fact, in
a certain respect they are like computers."Digital
computers operate by turning electrical signals into binary "on and off
states" and flexibly manipulating these states by using switches. O'Reilly
found the same operating principles in the brain.
it be that those who are witnessing a steady string of 11’s are getting a peak
through the veil of what has been termed the matrix – a constructed reality
based on a binary system? The mere idea
that there is a direct correlation in how the brain processes information with
that of a computer, makes for an inquisitive postulate that could lead one down
the proverbial rabbit hole of reality, returning with a whole new perspective
on what our physical reality truly
scenario brings about a much larger question of course. Similar theories have been proposed in books
like The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. The idea that our physical reality is but a
construct based on a holographic model and that our brains are holographic in
nature, able to decode a mathematical system into experiential reality has been
discussed widely in new science circles.
Of course this can be a difficult concept to grasp, especially if one is
loathed to admit that everything in this physical world at the subatomic level
is not solid but is based on energy vibrating at a very slow rate – only
appearing as if it is solid. If
everything is energy, numbers are certainly an integral part of the reality
somewhat scientific approach to understanding 11:11 in our experiential system
has to do with something called orbital
what quantum researcher and author Cynthia Sue Larson had to say about the
correlation of 11:11 with such a model:
a concept known to astronomers and cosmologists of something called orbital
resonance, such that when larger celestial bodies such as Jupiter and
Saturn are in orbit around our Sun, their orbital resonance is 1:1. This is the same ratio as 11:11, and one
could say 1:1 is a more simplified version of resonance... yet a version with
what, exactly, is orbital resonance? Here's a great summary from Wikipedia.
goes on to ask, “And how, exactly, does an orbital resonance of 11:11 have
meaning for us today? You can think of this as a time of ‘great clearing’
in which many of us literally need more ‘space’ because our consciousness is
greatly expanding. This in turn, impacts the nature of our relationships, and
how we ensure we stay in healthy, balanced relationships that accommodate each
of our individual needs to expand and grow, while at the same time respecting
the needs for the growth and expansion of everyone else we are connected with.
significance of this time as being critical for human awakening at a time when
we are learning more about the super-fast expansion at the time of the Big Bang
is not lost, and indeed we can now begin to realize that each and every
one of us were all together As One at the time of the Big Bang. As this big, beautiful multiverse expands, so
does each and every one of us, at a level exponentially greater than at any
other previous time of transition on Earth.”
it is the binary system undergirding our physical reality that has been exposed
through a thinning of the veil or the integration of orbital resonance like movements
invading our consciousness that is causing this oft seen master digit, it is
clear that the pervasiveness of 11 on this planet cannot be ignored. For its presence could have massive universal
implications in the trajectory of mankind!
11:11 and Synchronicity
many who tend toward using a spiritual compass to steer them in life, the
recognition of synchronicity can play a key role in life changes and new
inspirations, serving as guideposts along the journey of one’s path.
winning author of the book Lavender and dream expert Judy Gardiner is one who
recognized the 11’s as central to several discoveries that were featured in her
“On 11/11/94 a dream
message that the optic nerve would be a breakthrough for mankind led to years
of scientific dream warnings focused on the Earth. I had no science in my
Judy then acknowledges a very personal though cosmological connection - "My mother passed away on 1/11/02. I reconnected with the Earth. I am the child from my mother - the Great Mother Earth. The convergence of the material and the spiritual is what Pierre Teilhard de Chardin called the ultimate reunion at the Omega Point - the maximum level of consciousness - giving direction to the whole evolutionary process. This exemplifies 11/11. On 11/11/09 I discovered convergent vision through a dream; the ability to merge the invisible with the visible - the past with the future - to integrate what we feel and what we sense with what we see."
Taken together, the optic nerve breakthrough, convergent vision and the interrelationship of micro (mother) with the macro (Mother Earth) as well as other synchronistic puzzle pieces, make for a most extraordinary journey that Judy lays out in her book Lavender - An Entwined Adventure in Science and Spirit. Blending the practical and the imaginal, Judy allowed the 11 symbolism to help her navigate through a maze of metaphors that lead her to some amazing realizations for humanity through what she calls "The Cosmic Dream."
Similarly, Suzie Daggett, an inspirational speaker and intuitive counselor
chose to use the presence of 11’s in her life as an intuitive mapping approach
to discovering her entrepreneurial sweet spot culminating in an organization
called, Dear Source.
11-11-11 at 11:11, I was sitting on a bench overlooking a peaceful pond when I
heard the words: Seekers Central – where did they come from? I was
not asking. I was not seeking. Yet when I heard the
words (from some angelic being no doubt), I came home and grabbed the
the time, I was in the process of selling one business and perhaps Source had
this idea for a new business. It felt
like I was to create a website to introduce seekers to spiritual information
all in one place. As I started the
creative process, Seekers Central looked way too big for me to create on my
own. After some intensive business strategy meetings I was overwhelmed.
Friends suggested I start small, so I reworked the process and started tiny.
Seekers felt solid, real, and like something that might grow and help
people. However, after a year of hard work it did not take off and the
business was not to be.
came out of this 11-11 moment? I believe it was a sounding board for me
to take the next jump and instead of focusing on helping others get their word
out (which I had been doing for over 10 years), it was time for me to start
producing and marketing my words, my voice, my ideas. Thus, Dear Source
was created. I now have a website offering words of wisdom from Source
interpreted by me in my voice and teach and speak about Intuition. I have
published a book, PEARLS – 52 Contemplative Insights and have many projects
ready to go.
It is a journey, no matter where you start or how you start.
As long as you start, be comfortable changing directions when the energy
dissipates and follow the dots to your idea of Source energy and All That Is.”
Suzie used a process that I have called “mapping
manifestation.” It can be done through
the dreamscape, much like Judy’s cosmic dreaming, or through the recognition of
11’s and how they relate to our ideas, inspirations or even voices from the
angelic realm! The key is to know how to
stay open and not settle on one course of action, even if it seems right at the
time, but rather use the signals as signposts to guide you – unpeeling the
layers, until you’ve reached your desired destination. This is what Suzie did and I applaud her
practical wisdom while going through this process!
I too have used 11’s as a sort of guide or signpost to
navigate out of what I called, “A season of crisis.”
The details of this synchronistic journey are
featured in my new book,
Musings – Contemplations to Transform Life and Realize Potential, and
ironically it was in large part the synchronistic promptings that stalled the
release of my book, now a best-seller, until just the
right time!
Whether we will ever unravel the meaning for the
omnipresence of 11’s in our lives remains uncertain, but what seems to be ever
increasing in our collective awareness is that meanings, like synchronicities
are subjective – brilliant spectacles of the universal process that knows each
and every one of us so intimately that it will design scenarios that only we
will recognize, and the 11 may just be one number to show us that spectrum of
purpose, just like the spectrum of humanity that exists on this planet today.
Although the 11 is considered a master number, perhaps its
message is to remind us that we are
the masters of our own life and its mission is to simply help us along the path
of a life creatively, joyfully and fully lived!
Learn more about the
work of the incredible contributors featured in this article:
Diane Brandon
Integrative intuitive counselor
& intuition teacher, author, and speaker -- Specializing in personal
path/growth & dream interpretation
Cynthia Sue Larson
Quantum researcher and best-selling
author of the books, Quantum Jumps and Reality Shifts
Judy B. Gardiner
Dream researcher and author of
the award winning book, Lavender
Suzie Daggett
Intuitive counselor, author, presenter and speaker