The artist is one who creates - all things. Therefore we are all artists in one form or another. We are here to create, to explore and to express ourselves in the myriad ways that only we can, uniquely!
I am no exception. I began the creative expression of writing as a child, encouraged by my beautiful mother who was a teacher and a writer herself. I kept diaries, jotted copious notes on life experiences and later entered creative writing classes and contests, later to be trained as a journalist. I then decided to pick up the brush, or pencil - any medium I could find to extend my musings in a visual form. I understood that art was subjective (as frankly all things are). This is the beauty of art. I was just adding to the tapestry - another note in a grand symphony of expression.
Today, it is my pleasure to introduce to you dear reader, my contribution of this other passion of mine - visual art!
I invite you to peruse a few of my more spiritually inspired pieces that I've produced.
As a thank you for your support of Higher Journeys as we approach our 1 year anniversary, I am offering a personally signed print for you! Simply click here to learn more about my work and how you can support Higher Journeys in a big way.
It has been my absolute pleasure to share my work (my passion) with you. And I am so incredibly humbled that so many of you have resonated with my message; a message, that I truly feel is shared by so many - that of the human spirit and its potential! We are the art and the artist. We are the creation and the creator and when we can come to appreciate each other's creation, we begin to crack open the doors of authentic evolution and enlightenment - we are on that threshold!
So thank you once again. I look forward to sharing many more Higher Journeys with you!