Monday, July 29, 2013

Gratitude for the Gift of Today

Open your heart to all the blessings this day has to offer.

As humans, we are endowed with so many gifts – the gift of emotion, of expression, of creativity and love.  We are given the gift of today.

Too often, the social mores of modern society tug on our emotional fragility, tempting us to be swallowed up in a sea of despair.  But just when it seems that there is no hope for happiness, we can open our hearts in gratitude to the natural gifts that we are given on this very day.

Whether it is gazing upon the unfurling of a flower with its intricate and exquisite color, texture and fragrance, or glancing up at the rich blue sky dotted with clouds dancing just above us, or the smile of a stranger we see on the street, these are all gifts, that when gratefully acknowledged have the capacity to bring us back to center; back to our heart.

Here is one of the most touching and heartwarming video montages I have every laid eyes on.  It was created by filmmaker, Louie Schwartzberg and its entitled, simply – Gratitude.

I encourage you to make this little video a part of your day, each day as a gentle reminder that beauty, happiness and love are gifts that we can choose to receive each and every day of our lives.

Thank you Louie for sharing this with the world!  I am ever so grateful for your gift to us!

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...thank you!